Liquids are extremely common in the pharmaceutical and personal care industry, either as raw material, ingredient, process step, or completed product. Liquids can vary in colour by composition, strength, depth, and can also be affected by haze and settlement. The importance of controlling for these differences will depend on your process.
By measuring colour data throughout the process, the producers can improve their ability to predict and most effectively control the final outcome.
For pharmaceutical preparations, this may be done with a view to producing a product colour that is more palatable or to ensure that batch to batch colour is consistent so that the consumer doesn’t perceive one as diluted, or different to their usual medicine.
For personal care products, the producer faces similar challenges, keeping their existing products attractive, aspirational, and consistent to build trust in the band. Some personal care products may also need to consider the interaction with packaging colour to maximise shelf appeal.
Konica Minolta can help organisations to implement accurate and traceable colour measurement solutions for pharmaceutical or personal care products including perfumes, essences, oils, liquid medicines, lotions, suspensions, and preparations. Whether in development, goods in, production, or QC, our measuring instruments and software will help organisations to implement data driven process control and quality control procedures that improve consistency, saving time, and waste.
Digital colour data can greatly expedite your supply process and improve communication with suppliers on a local or global basis. By agreeing a colour and tolerances, standardising on instrumentation and methodology, disputes on colour can be greatly reduced and based solely on data rather than subjective visual perception. It also allows brands to scale or transfer production, by specifying, storing, sharing, and approving colour in a modern colour data software solution.
Konica Minolta has a dedicated team of experts responsible for implementing, training, optimising, and customising our computer colour matching and digital colour data platform Colibri®.
Colibri® is a modular digital colour data platform that allows companies to develop and grow their systems as necessary, with specialised modules for all functions of the colour supply chain. Owners can build libraries and share data and functions securely with supply partners via cloud or on-premises infrastructure. Benefitting from the advanced colour matching algorithm, colour producers can greatly simplify matching and correction steps, easily switch in our materials or colourants as dictated by the market or supply chain.
Konica Minolta benchtop spectrophotometers are widely used in the Pharmaceutical and Personal Care industries. The benchtop spectrophotometer CM-5 delivers a user experience that is both simple yet accurate, featuring a built-in display and user wizard. It benefits from a large open sided transmittance chamber and top facing reflectance measurement port. Either operating as a standalone instrument or connected to software, the device can be configured to simplify processes and data with simple pass/fail tolerances or to deliver more detail for deeper analysis or colour matching. The instrument firmware contains commonly used industry colour indices such as Gardner, Hazen/APHA, Iodine, European and US Pharmacopoeia, and is available with IQOQ installation in many territories.